Find the answers to most questions that we get about cacao, how to prepare, dosage, storage, possible side effects and if it's safe during pregnancy and breastfeeding. We hope this helps and wish you many happy cacao moments! ♡
There is no 'single best' cacao, and different people have different favorites. Diversity is wealth, we enjoy all our cacaos and choose intuitively between them.
Each of our cacao origins is like a different story, offering its diverse range of flavors and effects. Of course we use the same sourcing and quality requirements for all the cacao we offer. But we cannot answer which one will be the best for you, but we made a page to help you choose.
With the Discovery Pack you can try out our cacaos and see if you have one or more favourites.
Taste notes that might help to choose
⬖ Matagalpa Cacao: deep chocolate aroma with floral hints.
⬖ Alta Verapaz Cacao: soft and smooth taste with a warm, nutty aroma.
⬖ Cusco Cacao: citric fruity acidity, very low bitters and soft nutty aftertaste.
Cacao is the fruit of the Theobroma Cacao tree. Theobroma means ‘Food of the Gods’. The cacao beans (technically these are the seeds) are packed with healthy nutrition and interesting compounds. When the fruits are harvested, the beans are fermented and dried.
From a fruit to cacao paste for your drink
Traditionally the dried cacao beans are lightly toasted and the husks/shells are removed for a clean product. When these beans are ground, the cacao butter releases from the cells and it becomes a liquid mass that is called cacao paste. The cacao paste can melt and dissolve into your drink (which beans or nibs cannot).
Learn more about all the steps from tree to drink.
Cacao powder is made by separating the cacao butter under high hydraulic pressure. The cacao butter is a valuable product, often used in skin care and chocolate. The remains are pulverized into cacao powder. This is often treated with an alkaline solution to neutralize its acidity which makes it easier to dissolve or to bake with. A pretty intens process. This is why we use minimally processed 100% cacao paste which has all the natural ingredients in it, nothing is added and nothing extracted.
>> The natural combination in cacao (including the cacao butter!) has high nutritional value and enables your body to uptake the active components better. This is why we leave the cacao intact as a whole food source so you can enjoy all its benefits in a pure form.
>> Our cacao flakes are small pieces of paste (not powder!!) and extra easy to dissolve into your drink.
Basically it's just another form. When cacao is ground into a paste it can take any shape. Pouring it into a block shape is a nice and compact way. When preparing cacao, you need to cut it into smaller pieces to dissolve into your drink. The cacao flakes are the same cacao, but easier in use as you can use it directly to brew your drink. You can also cut up the block in one go and store it in a (glass) jar to make regular use easy. Another shape for example are our Kakaw Hearts.
The title 'ceremonial cacao' is used more and more, for beautiful and special cacaos, as well as to inflate the value of other kinds of products unfortunately. It is not a regulated term and used to own insight. One thing everyone agrees about is that it is cacao and intended for ceremonial uses. It should be 100% pure cacao paste, no powder, sugar or over processed contents.
Between our different cacaos, you could argue that one is more unique than the other and one might be nicer for you in ceremonial use than another. So please experiment to discover what you prefer.
Our take on ceremonial cacao
Since we first started in 2017, it was all relatively unknown. The little cacao used in this way was not so good quality and very unclear where it came from. When we got surprised by its beautiful benefits and effects we wanted to find special sources as this was so dear to us. Since then we search for special cacao origins and small natural farms that we personally visit. It is important for us to know the people involved and to build a long lasting relationship. Thing we want to safeguard with our ceremonial grade cacao are:
⬖ High quality, clean and 100% pure cacao paste.
⬖ Sourced directly from origins that we personally know.
⬖ Naturally farmed, going beyond organic labels, supporting ecosystems and biodiversity.
Through the Pure Kakaw project we try to make a positive impact on nature, local people and communities, and create a healthy delicious cacao to enjoy.
We do not always mention that our cacao is ceremonial grade because we want to show how you can use this quality cacao in daily life in your own rituals or enjoy the benefits as a casual drink.
We source cacao directly from farms that use organic farming principles and agroforestry systems. The cacao is not always certified organic as this is an expensive process and not accessible for small cacao farmers. Also to be allowed to use the organic certification logo the whole supply chain must the certified, from the farmer, the transport, the storage, etc. Organic certification is a good step, but it should not stop there. We have bigger ambitions to support complex ecosystems and biodiversity. In general all our cacaos go beyond these certification needs. 🌱
Cacao keeps best when stored cool and dry. Normally room temperature is perfect and it can stay good for years. Actually we never got to where it was not good anymore, it will easily surpass its best before date.
Sometimes the cacao can turn a little whitish as the cacao butter reforms at the surface. This is a natural process and the cacao is still good, it only looks less nice. If you melt it and let it harden out it looks like new again.
We don't advice to store cacao in the refrigerator, the cold is no problem, but water can condens on the cacao, and water is not good for storing cacao. BUT if you are in a very hot climate, for example traveling in a camper van, it can be very nice to keep it in a fridge.
No sweat, this can happen when you leave your cacao in the sun, in the car or when traveling and it's very warm. It can become a bit of a mess, but the cacao is still good. In your drink you will melt the cacao anyway.
You can actually melt the cacao and let it harden again in any shape you like. It's a magical substance that can even crystallize in different strengths.
It does! But it is in smaller amounts than coffee. There are all kind of different things being said about this, but if you test cacao in a lab you will always find some caffeine. The main active compound however is 'theobromine'. This is an alkaloid that gives a softer energy than caffeine which lasts longer and doesn't have the coffee-dip. The healthy fats in cacao actually seem make a much softer effect for your body.
Compared to cacao, coffee has a more nervous energy. Our cacao is ceremonial grade and has a potent and clear effect. We often explain it as a soft and bright energy which expands the heart area.
More people are switching from coffee to cacao because they want to limit their caffeine intake and/or prefer the effect of cacao.
No, there is no sugar in cacao. All our cacao is 100% pure.
You can of course add something sweet to your cacao drink. In that case we can advise honey, maple syrup, agave, coconut blossom sugar or unrefined cane sugar.
For comparison, a kg of 'pure' 60% chocolate contains 400gr sugar (the other 40% and whatever other ingredients) 🤯. We believe too much food is over-sweetened and processed. So control your own!
A delicious treat (for example during a diner) is per person: 10gr cacao, 50ml hot water, dash of maple syrup, cayenne, cinnamon or cardamom >> blend into a thick frothy drink and serve as a small energy booster.
Traditionally cacao was consumed as a drink with a divine status. Making your cacao is in the basis very simple:
1. Dose your cacao
Choose your dose depending on your goal and sensitivity.
⬖ 10-25gr casual dose
⬖ 25-35gr medium dose
⬖ 35-45gr ceremonial dose
2. Blend into a frothy drink
You can use hot water or plant-based milk, we recommend 70-80°C so it’s not too hot to drink. Foam your cacao easily with a whisk, frother or blender.
3. Enjoy!
Sip with a smile ☺️
From this base you can make all kinds of variations, add spices, honey, pour foamed barista oat milk over dissolved cacao to make a cacaoppuccino. Check out more details on our how-to-prepare-cacao page. And for more inspiration our recipe page. Enjoy your own experiments!
We all have a unique body and sensitivity. A bigger body in general means a bigger dose, but that is not per se so, it also depends on your goal. Most important is to listen to yourself and explore what is a good dose for you. You will get a better feeling for when to use how much cacao. It is not dangerous to experiment with. Drink enough water to hydrate yourself.
⬖ 10-25gr casual dose
⬖ 25-35gr medium dose
⬖ 35-45gr ceremonial dose
You get the most benefits from cacao when drinking it regularly. Some notice the subtle effect immediately, some recognize it after drinking cacao several times.
For a ceremonial cacao it becomes extra important to use quality cacao and knowing where it comes from. The more you can connect with the cacao the better. The basis for preparation is simple, so you can focus extra on your attention. Help yourself to take the time and prep the ingredients.
1. add 35~45 gram (3~5 tbsp) cacao for a ceremonial dose.
Everybody is different and we all have different sensitivities. By using cacao more regularly you will find out what dose works well for you at different moments.
2. add 125-200ml hot water.
70-80°C is warm enough to melt the cacao well and is a good temperature to drink. Do not boil the cacao.You can play with the amount of water to create the thickness that you like. Some prefer a thick cacao elixer while others like it more liquid.
3. add a pinch of cayenne and other optional ingredients.
Cayenne is a traditional (and very nice) combination with cacao. Other recommendations are: rose, cardamom, cinnamon, wild orange, nutmeg, clove, medicinal mushrooms, etc. Ginger can be nice as a digestive spice.
Optionally add sweetener to taste, like honey, maple syrup, coconut sugar, etc. We like to use as little sugars as possible to keep the pure effect from the cacao.
4. blend into a frothy drink!
This is important to serve a beautiful cacao elixer with a full aroma. The air whisked into the cacao is creates a softer taste that is really enjoyable. The Maya and Aztec where known for making cacao drinks with thick layers of foam. You get the best result with a frother or blender which also makes it easy to brew an elixer for a group.
Also check out this ceremonial cacao recipe.
For sure! You can sweeten your pure cacao drink (for example with honey, maple syrup or coconut blossom sugar) or make a drinking chocolate with plant-based milk (like oat, coconut or almond milk) which makes a delicious and more creamy drink. You can find more recipes on the recipe page. You can add coconut oil and tahin or play with the cacao-liquid ratio to make it thicker or less concentrated.
Cacao has complex flavours that are intense in a pure form, especially if it’s new to you. We often hear that people find cacao intense at first, but open up to it more when trying it for a few times (even after a few sips throughout one drink). Getting more familiar with natural tastes and pure cacao makes you aware how sweetened food and drinks are in general. Most importantly is to make something that you enjoy.
Health, Safety and Effetcs
In short: we advise to take smaller doses (especially in the third trimester) and see how that feels for you and the baby. In general cacao is considered very safe and beneficial during and after pregnancies. The key is in moderation as potential negative side effects can occur with high dosage over a longer time (as with most things). Because this is one of humankind's most precious and vulnerable phases we want to stay on the safe side and share the benefits that cacao can bring.
Traditionally cacao is used by mothers during pregnancy and afterwards to regain strength and positive energy. The natural antidepressant effect of cacao can help against postnatal depression. Some doulas use cacao during birth as well. Cacao butter is incredibly nutritious for skin care and used in Maya culture by women. During breastfeeding it can for example be used on the nipples.
It's good to know that the special compound theobromine in cacao together with caffeine in smaller amounts, have a stimulating effect. Cacao is packed with healthy minerals, increases blood flow, can balance blood pressure, has cardiovascular benefits, reduces stress and anxiety, and can have positive effects on the mood of babies.
Much positive feedback
We get many positive messages from mothers who enjoyed cacao during pregnancy and afterwards. Some love it to replace their coffee habit, others for a more spiritual depth. It can be valuable to create small moments of attention for yourself, nourishment, positive mood or to connect with your partner. We hope you can imagine how heartwarming it is to us when we get messages sharing about this phase and the joy from little cacao moments.
Moderation is key
The key lies in moderation (as always). Excessive amounts of caffeine or theobromine can cause negative side effects. Its mildly stimulating effect might also just be too much for you or the baby. Also every pregnancy might go with its own medical challenges, when in any doubt please ask your health practitioner and/or doula. In this way we hope you can enjoy cacao during this special time and enjoy its benefits.
Cacao contains theobromine and has a stimulating effect. It is also packed with antioxidants and minerals like magnesium, iron, potassium and manganese.
Cacao protects your heart and cardiovascular system and has a modulating effect on your neurotransmitters. It is known for its heart-opening effects which you can experience yourself and get more familiar with.
> Check out our health benefits & effects page.
To enjoy cacao as much as possible it’s good to keep the following in mind:
⬖ A large dose of cacao can be heavy on your stomach, this depends on what you’ve eaten and how sensitive your belly is. Check for yourself what is a nice dose and listen to your body.
⬖ Cacao is slightly diuretic and dehydrating so it helps to drink some water to avoid a headache. Don't overdo it to avoid a full water belly. This also improves detoxification processes of your body.
⬖ If you’re taking MAOi/SSRI based antidepressants there can be a contraindication with cacao/chocolate. In this case a lower dose is advised. The MAOi in cacao can cause a headache and when this happens it's best to drink sufficient water. Cacao actually works as a mild natural antidepressant.
It is safe to drink cacao on a daily basis. You can of course also overdo it, more cacao does not equal better in a linear way, use your common sense, it is a powerful plant. We advise to listen to your body and find what dose works best to you. In general we like to take some pauses once in a while if we drink cacao daily, to also feel and experience without.
In general it's good to take a pause now and then with consuming plants that have an effect on us.
Most benefits arise when using cacao on a regular basis, also nutrition wise. Building your relation and understanding of cacao over time is what makes it so powerful. The effects of cacao can be profound or quite subtle. Some notice it right away and others recognize it better after using cacao for several times.
As a side note, we all have different bodies and sensitivities. There is no one size fits all. We also can have different medical backgrounds, hence it's difficult for us to give tailored advice. Luckily cacao is in general very safe with a large margin.
Cacao can be a great alternative to coffee and we get many positive feedback from people who replaced their coffee for cacao. The theobromine in cacao is a milder stimulant that lasts longer than caffeine. It gives a softer and longer sustained focus and energy. Caffeine is an alkaloid that works on the nervous system and this can result in a more shaky, jittery, nervous energy. Theobromine has an effect on the cardiovascular system and increases your blood flow throughout the body and brain.
We also love a good quality coffee now and then! All in good moderation to what serves you ;-).
Note that there is also some caffeine in cacao, but in smaller amounts than in coffee. Also its effects seems much softer due to the natural fats and compounds in cacao.
No, but you could describe cacao as psychoactive. Cacao does not create things/visions that are not there. But cacao has neurocognitive effects, enhances your mood, focus and creative flow. You can read more in our blog story about the active ingredients of cacao and how this works in a healthy balanced way.
Cacao works as a catalyst to go deeper into processes with a loving energy and heart opening effect. Although cacao is not psychedelic itself, it does strengthen the effect of psychedelic substances like magic mushrooms and cannabis. The sacred combination of mushrooms and cacao are known to be used in ceremonies.
Find out more about combing cacao with microdosing.
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We pack orders on workdays and try to hand them over the same day to the post. You will receive a track&trace email, the DHL and PostNL app work the best for tracking your package.
⬖ Netherlands €4,20~5,10 >> free from €60 orders.
⬖ Belgium & Germany €4,25~6,75 >> free from €85 orders.
⬖ International shipping costs show at checkout >> free from €150 orders within Europe.
⬖ USA & Canada €25,-
Delivery time indication
⬖ Netherlands and Belgium: 1-2 days.
⬖ Germany and France: 2-3 days.
⬖ Internationally: 2-7+ days depending on where you are.
You will get a track & trace link by email. For more info check our shipping notes.
If you want to return your order you can do so within 14 days. The products must still be sealed, not melted and in good shape. We will check this and refund the money. Return shipping is at your own expense and responsibility. Contact us by replying to your order confirmation so we know it is coming and if you want a refund or change our order.
Please contact us with your address and what you plan to order so we can check the shipping costs. Some countries outside Europe are disabled because of changing costs and possible custom taxes. Check our shipping notes for more info.
Via our chat widget you can directly find more information all kinds of different scenarios. If necessary we will follow up asap by email.